Wednesday, April 29, 2015

iPad - "I Can" resources

I'm going to attempt to share a resource on this blog every day.
Here's the first one,

iPad - "I Can's"

In the above folder you will find 3, iPad I Can sheets, 1 for Year 0-1, Year 2-3 and Year 4-6.

PLEASE make sure you go 'File' - 'Make a Copy' and then rename for yourself.

These sheets are what I think are the base line 'must be able to do's' for each year group - just the basic skill things that you need to know to start getting the best out of the functionality of your device.

These sheets are coloured as I have the 'paperless' approach and would have students accessing this sheet on their device either via a blog, or Google Docs, or Dropbox (whatever you use in your class)......or if you are not quite there yet, print it out but change to black and white first or remove the colour blocks.

How you choose to use them is totally up to you........but here's some suggestions

  • You could use the sheets as a Bingo board
  • With littlies you could learn one a day (putting a sticker or tick on the square as you learn it) and then put it into practise that day so that the learning sticks.
  • You could do the 'Tell me, Show me, Ask me' approach (Print out one sheet, chop it up and pull one square out at a time asking children to 'tell me' if they know it, 'show me' (the person beside them), 'ask me' (or the person beside them) if they have no idea.....which hardly ever happens as there is usually at least one person in the room that knows!  
  • You could peer or buddy teach - pairing up those that know and can show.

So many options.....It's a great starting point when you are new to iPads or new learners start in your class that haven't used them before. Always good to refresh each year too as we forget what we don't use.

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