Thursday, June 18, 2015


Ok so June is almost over.....what's been happening on my digital landscape?

I was honoured to become an Apple Distinguished Educator (ADE) recently,

"Apple Distinguished Educators (ADEs) are part of a global community of education leaders recognized for doing amazing things with Apple technology in and out of the classroom. They explore new ideas, seek new paths, and embrace new opportunities. That includes working with each other — and with Apple — to bring the freshest, most innovative ideas to students everywhere."

One of 30 in NZ and just a couple of thousand throughout the world. Being 'Apple to the CORE' means so much more to me than just the devices, although I would never want to be without them, it's about empowering students and teachers to truly make a difference in the lives and learning of those around them, to communicate, to collaboration and to celebrate.

To make the opportunity even more exciting Glen and Monique Storey (my partners in crime at TAKP) are also on the same path and will attend the ADE 2015 Institute with me in August. Exciting times.

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