Monday, April 14, 2014

Insight - Te Akau ki Papamoa

Insight - Te Akau ki Papamoa School Open Days 
Term 2, Week 8 - Thursday. Friday 26th/27th June

I have been a little absent from this blog this year and in all fairness it is not totally my fault....let me explain.

I am based in Te Akau ki Papamoa School (0.5 of my time - 'odd' weeks of the term) and I'm sure by now that you have heard we are in the depths of implementing a 1:1 iPad programme (totally school funded which makes us unique, apparently the only NZ Primary School to do so).

Read some of the media hype below - not always accurate but it has generated HUGE interest.
Much of the spin off from this we hadn't even thought about - we are now on 'Apple's' radar, App Developers want to adapt their apps to meet our needs, Resource companies are knocking on our door relentlessly wanting us to use and promote their products.

Much has gone on in the background to ensure this implementation is successful. We didn't simply head off to the local store on a whim and purchase 250 (soon to be 600!) iPads and thrust them in the hands of our learners - this has in fact been a  journey that has taken several years. Our school was ready (infrastructure and systems), our teachers were ready (well supported and willing to be 100 percent on board), our students were ready (achieving at our targeted levels and armed to succeed with rich learning opportunities regardless of the device).

If you are interested in finding out more about how we have done this and and hearing our thoughts on the journey so far - 
  • Our Vision
  • Our funding
  • Our data
  • Our implementation plan
  • Our management of the devices (VPP, MDM)
  • How we deliver individualised learning via the iPad
  • How we provide ongoing online formative assessment 
  • How we personalise learning (Design iBooks and iTunes U courses)
  • Which apps have been responsible for impacting on student engagement and achievement
  • Our 'mis-takes' and learning opportunities
Come along to INSIGHT - Te Akau ki Papamoa Open Days - Term 2 Week 8 - Thursday and Friday 26th/27th June.

Read more about it and register HERE

Media Hype - 

NZ Hearld Article - "School gives an iPad to every pupil"

Bay of Plenty Times Editorial: iPads should be provided for all

By Annemarie Quill

Bay of Plenty Times - "School gives all students iPads to avoid have nots"