Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Padcamp BOP

I have been busy organising the first Padcamp BOP event, based on the Educamp unconference structure and style.

We have over 70 teachers registered, from all around the Bay of Plenty as well as the Waikato and further afield. This is a FREE event that provides the opportunity for educators to connect with likeminded people with a passion for all things iPad - whether you have just taken yours out of the box or you are an app developer, we will have something for everyone.

A HUGE thankyou to our sponsors NOEL LEEMING (who has provided 15 itunes vouchers)

Kristian Tabb
Commercial Business Manager – Region 4
Kristian Bay of Plenty and Rotorua
Phone: 027 283 3345 
Linked In:
Kristian is based in Tauranga – 266 Cameron Road, Tauranga

and Guilt Free Shopping (who has provided iPad cases).

We are looking forward to a day of making connections and discovering new things.

Te Akatea Maori Principal's National Conference

I am fortunate to currently be involved with the the Aka Tauranga Moana branch of the Te Akatea Maori Principal's Association. With consultation I have created and are maintaining their online space for them. I am also looking forward to next week and playing a role in their National Conference, the calibre of Keynote Speakers is outstanding!

Here's a copy of their conference programme, if you are at all interested in making a difference to the educational outcomes of Maori students then I think attending this conference is a must. This event is NOT aimed at Principal's alone but rather at all those that have a role to play in lifting Maori student engagement, motivation and achievement (which in reality should be each and everyone of us in the NZ education system!) The venue, Trinity Wharf and setting, stunning Tauranga Moana is a bonus of course.