Several teachers have asked me what books do I read for my own professional learning.
Well, surprise surprise I VERY seldom purchase a paper copy book anymore, strange that. I still visit the Amazon bookstore but I purchase Kindle books and use the Kindle free App to view them on my iPad.
Just before school started again this year (better late than never as I had done lots of personal 'chick flick' type reading at the beach!) and after I had attend the International Conference on Thinking, I went online and purchased
What Great Teachers do DIFFERENTLY
Teaching Outside the BOX
How Children SUCCEED
Empowering Students with TECHNOLOGY
I feel that those of us that live and breathe teaching and learning through and with technology need to challenge ourselves to go deeper, to remember it's NEVER just about the tools, to view and explore others points of views, to challenge, and provoke.
I'm hoping to have all these read by the end of term. I'll post a review of each one when I'm done.